Компилятор C для PIC12 PIC16 и PIC18
Компилятор впитал в себя всю силу и гибкость обеспечиваемую стандартом ANSI C и представляет наиболее мощный инструмент разработчика. Огромное количество практических примеров и подробная документация позволяют сразу приступить к работе с этим компилятором
C compiler for PIC12 PIC16 and PIC18
All the power and flexibility provided by ANSI C accompanied with the most advanced IDE on the market. Plenty of practical examples and a comprehensive documentation allow a quick start in programming PIC.
Release Changes: v. (2008-01-23)
- Additional chips supported:
P16F722 P16F723 P16F724 P16F726 P16F727
P18F13K50 P18F14K50 P18F45K20 P18F6313 P18F6393
P18F6413 P18F6493 P18F6628 P18F66J16 P18F66J65
P18F6723 P18F8313 P18F8393 P18F8413 P18F8493
P18F8628 P18F8628 P18F86J65 P18F8723 P18LF24J10
P18LF25J10 P18LF44J10 P18LF45J10 P18F4553
- mikroICD debugger support added for the following mcus:
P18F24J10 P18F65J15 P18F66J65 P18F85J11 P18F86J60
P18F25J10 P18F65J50 P18F67J10 P18F85J15 P18F86J65
P18F44J10 P18F65J90 P18F67J11 P18F85J50 P18F87J10
P18F45J10 P18F66J10 P18F67J50 P18F85J90 P18F87J11
P18F63J11 P18F66J11 P18F67J60 P18F86J10 P18F87J50
P18F63J90 P18F66J15 P18F83J11 P18F86J11 P18F87J60
P18F64J11 P18F66J16 P18F83J90 P18F86J15 P18F96J60
P18F64J90 P18F66J50 P18F84J11 P18F86J16 P18F96J65
P18F65J10 P18F66J55 P18F84J90 P18F86J50 P18F97J60
P18F65J11 P18F66J60 P18F85J10 P18F86J55
- PIC16 Serial Ethernet library:
fixed receive buffer wrapping bug (causes UDP/TCP packet loss if the received
packet is wrapped around receive buffer end)
fixed Spi_Ethernet_RAMcopy bug (copies one byte more than it should)
Spi_Ethernet_doPacket changed to return error code
added workarounds for all known enc28j60 sillicon bugs affecting the library
added some useful enc buffer read/write routines
changed library and header file names
enc28j60.mcl -> eth_enc28j60.mcl
enc28j60_libdef.h -> eth_enc28j60LibDef.h
enc28j60_libprivate.h -> eth_enc28j60LibPrivate.h
- PIC18 Serial Ethernet library:
fixed receive buffer wrapping bug (causes UDP/TCP packet loss if the received
packet is wrapped around receive buffer end)
fixed Spi_Ethernet_RAMcopy bug (copies one byte more than it should)
Spi_Ethernet_doPacket changed to return error code
added workarounds for all known enc28j60 sillicon bugs affecting the library
added some useful enc buffer read/write routines
added ARP client with cache
added UDP client
added DNS client
added DHCP client
changed library and header file names
enc28j60.mcl -> eth_enc28j60.mcl
enc28j60_libdef.h -> eth_enc28j60LibDef.h
enc28j60_libprivate.h -> eth_enc28j60LibPrivate.h
- PIC18FxxJ60 internal ethernet module library support added:
Ethernet PIC18FxxJ60 Library supports:
* IPv4 protocol
* ARP requests
* ICMP echo requests
* UDP requests
* TCP requests (no stack no packet reconstruction)
* ARP client with cache
* DNS client
* UDP client
* DHCP client
added workarounds for all known enc28j60 sillicon bugs affecting the library
includes all fixes made for spi ethernet library
- Updated Serial Ethernet examples: ethernal clock example with SNTP added
- Updated Serial Ethernet and Ethernet PIC18FxxJ60 Library help files
- Added Example set for EasyPIC5 board
- Added Example set for LV-18FJ board
- Added Example set for 16F887 MCU on EasyPIC5 board
- Added ADC Library for 18F2331/2431/4331/4431 MCUs
- GLCD/LCD Setup routines moved into AutoComplete
- Bootloader for PIC16 family improved. User main can be located in any page.
- Sound Library improved. Parameter set is more intuitive.
- Added auto saving of TBPPTRL TBPPTRH TBPPTRU to contex saving in interrupts
- Added pragma funcorg to org library functions
- Fixed USB HID LIbrary bug for FxxJ5X family
- Fixed ADC LIbrary bug for FxxJ5X family
- Fixed bug Initialization of structures with incomplete list of initializers
- Fixed Bug Initialization of static local aggregates
- Fixed Bug SoftI2C library for P18 family
- Fixed Bug Math libraries for floating point types (duplicated labels)
- revision of help
- revision of mlk files
Release Changes: v. (2008-02-24)
- Improved linkage algorithm
for P16 enables better utilization of gaps between orged procedures and gaps between pages
for P18 enables better utilization of gaps between orged procedures
- Improved Bank setting algorithm for both P16 and P18 reduces code size
- Fixed Bug caused by initialization of static local variables
- Serial Ethernet library:
fixed MAADRx registers address defines and enc28j60 initialization sequence to meet DS39662B data sheet
changed receive filter settings (CRC + MAC unicast + MAC broadcast)
added routines for receive filter management
- PIC18Fxxj60 Ethernet library:
fixed MAADRx registers initialization sequence
changed receive filter settings (CRC + MAC unicast + MAC broadcast)
added routines for receive filter management
- PIC18 I2C library:
added workaround for common i2c module initialization silicon bug
(I2C mode may not initialize properly by just configuring
the SCL and SDA pins as either inputs or outputs)
Release Changes: v. (2008-05-22)
- Improved Bank setting algorithm for P18
- Added HId library example for PIC18FJ familly
- HID descriptors are changed since version mikroC v.8.0
we have missed to mention this earlier in What's New list.
HID Tool since version mikroC v.8.0 produces different descriptor file: USBdsc.c
You must also use new Definit.h and VARs.h
files that are provided with new mikroC and can be found in HID example folder.
- Improved ICD ram reading algorithm
- Fixed interrupt low context saving issue regarding FSRx registers
- Fixed issue with CPU usage in mikroICD mode
- Fixed issue with mikroICD mode and retriving values for variables larger than 256 bytes
- Fixed bug related to Org directive problem to move library routines in memory
- Serial Ethernet library:
fixed problem that has caused Ethernet_arpResolve and Spi_Ethernet_arpResolve not to work correctly
when a gateway is not present on the network and it's address set in the code does not belong to the same subnet IP address belongs to.
- Minor IDE enhacments and fixes
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