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PIONEERNADIR 30. August 2009 06:30 PM

Proteus Virtual System Modelling v7.6 SP0 Full Download
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Proteus Version 7.6
ISIS & ARES Core Applications:

Hardware Accelerated / Open GL graphics engine*
- Lightning fast flicker free screen redraws.
- Smooth scrolling and animated object highlighting.
- Crisp fully anti-aliased presentation of text and graphics.
- Current layer is always drawn at the top of the view.
- User control of layer transparency.
- Option to display full Solder Resist and Solder Mask layers including shapes contributed by the pad styles.

Improved fix-up of connected tracking when a component is moved.

Enhanced 3D Viewer display
- Hide Components option to give a bare board view.
- Holes slots and cut-outs now drawn correctly.
- Solder resist (and exposed solder) is shown.
- Bitmaps are shown.

STL Export from 3D Viewer - this provides and effective route into solidworks.

Adobe PDF Export for both ISIS and ARES.

Multi-object alignment commands and move-to (xy) context command.

Over 2000 new library parts including connectors trimmers and op-amps.

* These features are dependent on the ability of your graphics card / graphics driver to support Open GL in hardware. For this feature to operate your graphics card must support Open GL 2.0 and also implement support for Multi-Sample Anti-Aliasing. This will be the case for all modern branded graphics cards (e.g. ATI Radeon NVIDIA GeForce) but older machines and the integrated chipsets found on cheaper laptops may not have the necessary capabilities.

Proteus VSM CPU Models: - Requires appropriate VSM licence.







Added loader/debug support for BASCOM AVR compiler.

Proteus VSM for MSP430 (new product) .

Proteus Design Suite 7.6 is available free of charge to all customers whose USC is valid as of 1st June 2009.

Proteus Version 7.5
ISIS & ARES Core Applications:

Improved library search facility including the ability to search by library and stock code also a filter to show only parts with simulator models. For example a search of "user res" will show resistors in the user library whilst a search of "digi res 10k" will show 10k resistors with a digikey stock code.

Ability to output library index properties e.g. Manufacturer (MFR) Stock/Order Code (CODE) and Description (DESC) in the Bill of Materials.

Dynamic resizing of component libraries.

Longer header strings for Author Revision and Document number.

Ability to specify non-default filename for PCB layout.

Support for rounded rectangular SMT pads and fiducials in PCB packages.

Option for automatic nesting of power plane regions.

Better visibility for power plane boundaries.

Choice of database CADCAM and temporary origins in the Goto X/Y command.

Dimension display on PCB package previews.

Option to print each PCB layer on a separate page.

Over 20000 new real world ISIS library parts (most with Digikey stock codes) and over 2000 IPC7351 PCB footprints.

Proteus VSM and ProSPICE:

Full debugging support (source code stepping breakpoints and variables display) for EASYHDL scriptable generators.

Pre-defined SPICE option sets for standard defaults improved convergence and improved accuracy.

Display of elapsed time between pause/breakpoints allows easy measurement of code execution times.

Automatic single stepping (step animation) with user defined time interval between steps.

Proteus VSM CPU Models: - Requires appropriate VSM licence.


PIC18F2480/2580/4480/4580 & PIC18F2585/2680/4585/4680



8086 (new product) + peripherals (8255 8253 8251 and 8279).

Proteus Design Suite 7.5 is available free of charge to all customers whose USC is valid as of 1st December 2008.

Proteus Version 7.4
ISIS & ARES Core Applications:

Fully integrated Shape Based Auto-Router replaces the previous grid based router. Users of PCB Design at Level 2 and above can drive the router interactively with the ability to route selected nets. All uses can run a pre-configured routing schedule automatically.

Per net 'strategies' are replaced by 'net 'classes' and the management of these is incorporated into the Design Rule Manager.

Improved algorithm for device replacement in ISIS.

Proteus VSM Additions:

Added syntax highlighting for EASYHDL scriptable generators.

Interactive configuration of the trace diagnostics that is you can enable or disable particular diagnostics whilst the simulation is running.

Proteus VSM CPU Models: - Requires appropriate VSM licence.

dsPIC33FJ12GP201 dsPIC33FJ12GP202 dsPIC33FJ32GP202

dsPIC33FJ32GP204 dsPIC33FJ16GP304

dsPIC33FJ12MC201 dsPIC33FJ12MC202 dsPIC33FJ32MC202

dsPIC33FJ32MC204 dsPIC33FJ16MC304

ATtiny28L/48/88 ATmega1284P ATmega162 ATmega165/165P

Atmega235/325P/3250/3250P ATmega645/6450 ATmega8515/8535.

AT90USB646 AT90USB1286

Proteus Design Suite 7.4 is available free of charge to all customers whose USC is valid as of 1st July 2008.

Proteus Version 7.3
ISIS & ARES Core Applications:

Added Support for the ODB++ Unified Manufacturing Output Format.

Added Design Rule Manager to ARES allowing fully customisable board constraints. Includes the ability to set rules by layer and/or by strategy and also to create rules governing behaviour between strategies on the board.

Added support for IEEE / North American component symbols to the capacitors and resistors libraries.

Fully compatible with Windows Vista™.

Proteus VSM Additions:

Extensive work on the core simulation engine resulting in simulation speeds up to 100% faster than previously better convergence algorithms and improved simulation accuracy.

Added syntax highlighting to the VSM source debugging window.

Added scriptable generators using EasyHDL : a rich. high level scripting language based on BASIC. This allows the scripting of arbitrary stimuli to a simulation via the generator dialogue form.

Added Library Parts:

Hundreds of new peripheral models added - please see [Sadece Üyelere Linkler Açıktır.Üye Olun !!! Tıklayarak Üye Olun !!!] for details.

Proteus VSM CPU Models: - Requires appropriate VSM licence.





ATTINY2313 ATTINY261 ATTINY461 ATTINY84 ATTINY85 ATTINY861. (Includes plugin integration with AVRStudio).

Proteus Design Suite 7.3 is available free of charge to all customers whose USC is valid as of 1st May 2008.

Proteus Version 7.2
The following summarises the main feature enhancements in the Version 7.2 release. New peripheral simulation models are detailed here whilst minor system enhancements and modifications are announced in the members area of the support forums.

ISIS & ARES Core Applications:

'Flyout Parts Bin'. The parts bin and overview window have a new mode whereby they can be hidden to maximise the space assigned to the editing window.

Parts Bin Context Menu. Right clicking on the parts bin now produces a context menu with relevant commands (Edit Delete Update from Libs Select instances etc.).

Device Level Package Allocation/Spare Gate Report in ISIS. Right click on the device in the parts bin and launch from the resulting context menu.

Improved guided wire routing algorithm in ISIS.

User definable keyboard shortcuts for interactive components.

3D Visualisation Engine: - Requires PCB Design Level 2 or higher.

Height Bounds Display. Specify the dimensions of the container and a transparent 3D box appears around the board. Oversized parts will extrude from this containerallowing you to quickly check for production problems.

Implementation of 3D Export functionality via the popular .3DS file format.

Implementation of 3D printing functionality for colour printers.

Proteus VSM CPU Models: - Requires appropriate VSM licence.

PIC16F882 PIC16F883 PIC16F884 PIC16F886 PIC16F887

PIC16F913 PIC16F914 PIC16F916 PIC16F917

PIC16F631 PIC16F677 PIC16F685 PIC16F687 PIC16F689 PIC16F690

PIC18F2450 PIC18F4450

PIC18F2445 PIC18F2550 PIC18F4445 PIC18F4550

PIC18F2448 PIC18F2553 PIC18F4448 PIC18F4553

Proteus VSM USB Simulation:

Simulate USB Peripheral Devices within Proteus VSM.

Support for the Mass Storage and Human Interface Device Classes included.

USB Transaction Analyser decodes and displays communication between PC and peripheral. N.B.This is a seperately licenced product.

Interacts with the host operating system in the same way as the physical device.

Proteus Design Suite 7.2 is available free of charge to all customers whose USC is valid as of 1st July 2007.

Proteus Version 7.1
Design Suite 7 represents over 12 months development and constitutes a major architectural release. The following is a brief summary of some of the changes and new functionality:

ISIS Schematic Capture:
New User Interface

Context Highlighting provides visual indication of which object the mouse is over.

Mouse cursors indicate which action will be performed on an object.

Modeless selection and modeless wiring optimise efficiency.

Conventional use of mouse buttons - left to place and select right for context menu

Block operations enhanced with adjustable tag-boxes and definable pickup points.

Improved mouse wheel pan and zoom aid design navigation.

New Design Explorer

Provides a spreadsheet like view of the design parts list and net list.

Parts list view shows the design by sheets parts and pins.

Netlist view shows the design by sheets nets and pins.

Drilling into a pin toggles between the part and net views.

Cross probing onto both the schematic and PCB is supported at sheet part and net level.

New User Interface

Context Highlighting provides visual indication of which object the mouse is over.

Mouse cursors indicate which action will be performed on an object.

Modeless selection and modeless wiring optimise efficiency.

Conventional use of mouse buttons - left to place and select right for context menu

Block operations enhanced with adjustable tag-boxes and definable pickup points.

Improved mouse wheel pan and zoom aid design navigation.

New 3D Visualisation Engine - available in Advanced Feature Set (level 2/2+/3) only.

Provides 3D Visualisation of the current layout.

Intuitive and simple navigation with the mouse.

Simple command set and live preview allows easy application of 3D info by users.

Single command applies 3D data from the library set to existing layouts.

Import custom 3D models via the standard *.3ds file format.

Simulation (ProSPICE/VSM)
New Simulation Advisor

Structured simulation message display

Colour coded messaging according to severity.

Messages carry source and timecode information.

Where appropriate you can cross-probe back to the source component or net.

Error messages carry context sensitive help to assist with troubleshooting problems.

New Simulation Diagnostics System

Provides full control over which trace modes are enabled for a simulation run.

Detailed diagnostic information available for system messages CPU's and peripheral devices.

Diagnostics can be enabled at warning trace or debug levels for each grouping.

Invaluable debugging aid allowing full textual reporting on simulation activity.

Enhanced Industrial Grade Instrumentation

New Oscilloscope instrument including cursors printing one-shot modes etc.

New Logic Analyser instrument including cursors printing one-shot modes etc.

New Microcontrollers

Proteus VSM for PIC24 - This is a separately licensed product. .

Proteus VSM for ARM7 extended with LPC2131/2/4/6/8 and LPC2101/2/3 variants.

Proteus VSM for PIC18 extended with PIC18F24J10/44J10/25J10/45J10 variants.

Proteus VSM for PIC16 extended with PIC16F877A/876A/874A/873A variants.

New Advanced Peripheral Models

New modesl for ENC28J10 and RTL8019AS Ethernet Controllers.

Hundreds of new embedded peripherals added - more information

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ULAGA 30. August 2009 11:22 PM

Cevap: Proteus Virtual System Modelling v7.6 SP0 Full Download
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Konusunu açacaktım sitesinin tümünü türkçeye çeviriyordum öyle açacaktım.
Ama sen benden önce davranmışsın. :)
%80'nini de çevirmiştim. :)

PIONEERNADIR 30. August 2009 11:53 PM

Cevap: Proteus Virtual System Modelling v7.6 SP0 Full Download

Free´isimli üyeden Alıntı (Mesaj 22678)
Ben de bunu geçen gün bizim hesaba upload etmiştim.
Konusunu açacaktım sitesinin tümünü türkçeye çeviriyordum öyle açacaktım.
Ama sen benden önce davranmışsın. :)
%80'nini de çevirmiştim. :)

Türkçe Dökümanın varsa gönder ekleyelim konuya ha sen ha ben farketmez herşey proelo için .......

ULAGA 31. August 2009 02:58 PM

Cevap: Proteus Virtual System Modelling v7.6 SP0 Full Download

PIONEERNADIR´isimli üyeden Alıntı (Mesaj 22680)
Türkçe Dökümanın varsa gönder ekleyelim konuya ha sen ha ben farketmez herşey proelo için .......

Tabii ki de fark etmez gözüm. :)
Bitsin eklerim.

PIONEERNADIR 14. September 2009 02:02 AM

Cevap: Proteus Virtual System Modelling v7.6 SP0 Full Download

ukaryagar´isimli üyeden Alıntı (Mesaj 22764)
Sağolun ustalar..

FrEe ustam''GÖZÜM'' demişin de..Memleket niree..??


Kolay Gelsin...

hehe çok güldüm yaww allah senide güldürsün valla arkadaşımın malatyayla hiç alakası yok valla mersinli:)

ULAGA 14. September 2009 11:35 PM

Cevap: Proteus Virtual System Modelling v7.6 SP0 Full Download

ukaryagar´isimli üyeden Alıntı (Mesaj 22764)
Sağolun ustalar..

FrEe ustam''GÖZÜM'' demişin de..Memleket niree..??


Kolay Gelsin...


PIONEERNADIR´isimli üyeden Alıntı (Mesaj 22776)
hehe çok güldüm yaww allah senide güldürsün valla arkadaşımın malatyayla hiç alakası yok valla mersinli:)

Gerçekten Mersinliyim. :)
Annem ve babam onların babaları ve anneleri onların dedeleri.
Aslen Mersinliyim yani. :)

ULAGA 5. January 2012 10:34 AM

Cevap: Proteus Virtual System Modelling v7.6 SP0 Full Download

zacnblnt´isimli üyeden Alıntı (Mesaj 24507)
linki niye göremiyorum acaba?

Bağlantı en kısa zaman içerisinde yenilenecektir.

hakanstar 24. August 2012 03:34 PM

Cevap: Proteus Virtual System Modelling v7.6 SP0 Full Download

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eeprom 28. August 2012 02:49 AM

Cevap: Proteus Virtual System Modelling v7.6 SP0 Full Download
evet maalesef link olu. Yenilersen sevinirim

xDoZeRx 28. August 2012 04:06 AM

Cevap: Proteus Virtual System Modelling v7.6 SP0 Full Download
Biz kocaeli ama mersine gittim bu arada program için teşekkürler

ALPHA 16. April 2013 06:13 PM

Cevap: Proteus Virtual System Modelling v7.6 SP0 Full Download

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